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Rock Climbing And A Child's Climbing Frame

Often we are told by experts to encourage our children to play but rarely gain an understanding of what play is and how skills learnt during play are applied to activities we may undertake when we become adults.  Playing outside is not just an easy way to get children from under our feet it...

by Rachel Perrier on 28 November 2014

How To Have Fun On Rainy Days

Now Autumn is upon us and the heady days of summer have transformed into windy wet weather it is very tempting to abandon the garden and hide indoors until the weather improves.  Children may enjoy the attraction of the television and rainy day games for a short while but eventually their...

by Rachel Perrier on 18 November 2014

How A Child's Climbing Frame In The Garden Benefits Your Children

As parents we all know that a little bit of risk is a wonderful way to challenge our children and help them to develop a greater understanding of themselves. Often deciding how much freedom we should give our children causes a conflict of interests, our instincts tell us to protect them...

by Rachel Perrier on 14 October 2014

Adventures In The Autumn Garden

As Autumn is settling in and the nights are getting shorter the opportunities for children to play outside are rapidly decreasing so the garden is invaluable at this time of year.  Autumn brings wonderful changes to the colours and landscape of the garden, providing new play...

by Rachel Perrier on 24 September 2014

No More TV - It's Time To Play Outside

  Summer is an exciting time for children as the days are longer and there is so much fun to be had in the big wide world outside - although many children nowadays prefer to sit in front of the television instead of having fun with their friends outside.    The garden is an...

by on 19 June 2014

Win a Playdale Garden Voucher!

We're currently running a Facebook competition giving you the chance to win a £50 voucher towards a Playdale Garden climbing frame or swing!  All you have to do to enter is visit our Facebook page and comment on the competition post with the name of your favourite garden plant...

by on 28 April 2014

5 Great Garden Games to Play with your Kids

Playing in the garden is great fun when you're a child. It's a chance to explore and learn about nature, to roll around on the grass, play 'tag' with your friends or play on your garden climbing frame and swing. The warmer months open up a new world of adventure and excitement to children...

by on 23 April 2014

Gardening With Your Children

Spending time gardening with your children can be as exciting and worthwhile for yourself as it can be for them. Children love to explore, get their hands dirty and try new things. Just imagine the excitement on your child's face when their first sunflower sprouts through the soil, or when...

by on 11 March 2014

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