
How To Have Fun On Rainy Days

by Rachel Perrier on 18 November 2014

Now Autumn is upon us and the heady days of summer have transformed into windy wet weather it is very tempting to abandon the garden and hide indoors until the weather improves.  Children may enjoy the attraction of the television and rainy day games for a short while but eventually their need to burn off energy will result in restlessness and difficult behaviour. There is absolutely no point in continuously telling your child off and expecting them to suppress their energy because it will only cause tension and ruin everybody's day.  The only solution is to get outside in the fresh air and burn off that excess energy.

There Is No Such Thing As Bad Weather, Only Inappropriate Clothing

Explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes has been quoted as saying, 'There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing', many schools have also adopted this approach to Forest School activities too.  Your child may have a set of waterproofs at school so that they can participate in outdoor activities whatever the weather.  It would probably be a good idea to have a similar set of clothing at home so that you can all explore the outdoors what ever the weather.  All you need is a pair of wellies, waterproof trousers, waterproof jacket and warm underclothes and you can still enjoy the great outdoors.

We Are Going On A Bear Hunt

When the weather is tempestuous it is a good idea to do activities that take place in a sheltered spot in the garden.  With young children you can theme the activity based on a story you have read to them, for example, 'We're Going On A Bear Hunt', by Michael Rosen is a brilliant way to make use of the fallen leaves and expel some energy.  You can improvise the different types of environments by using anything that makes a noise  such as; leaves, real mud, puddles, the wind - anything you can think of.  You can either hide a bear in the garden or just make the scream you do so dramatic that the children will shriek in delight too.  Your children will always remember this type of game and it will feel so real to them because of their fantastic imaginations.

Walking On The Wild Side

If the weather is wet with only a slight wind grab your waterproofs and go for a walk outside - if you are in the country choose a suitable walk with areas of shelter with a small risk of flooding.  If you live in the town or city a walk in the park can provide a variety of landscapes and activities for your children to do.  If you choose a route that has a tea shop or cafe you can all shelter from the worst of the weather with a piece of cake and hot chocolate.

Safely Back Home

Without a doubt the best part of spending time outside on a wet and windy day is settling back inside and relaxing.  You will have all benefited from the fresh air and best of all the wind and rain will have evaporated all of the excess energy away from your children and they will be satisfied with much calmer activities and the house will be settled and everyone will feel much happier.

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