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A Christmas Wish List

With Christmas just around the corner now is the a great time to help your children make their Christmas Wish List! Father Christmas will soon be coming down the chimney to deliver presents to all well behaved girls and boys, so here are a few ideas to help you and your children write a list that...

by Lisa O Sullivan on 18 November 2019

Play Towers and Fairy Tales

'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, - let down your hair so that I may climb the golden stair', are familiar words from the fairy tale Rapunzel. Many years of research have concluded that it is extremely beneficial for children to listen to and participate in fairytales. One of the most influential...

by Rachel Perrier on 25 March 2015

Exercise - The Miracle Cure for Everything

The NHS Choices Website promotes exercise as a miracle cure and highlights the recommended dose for people of all ages.  If we all participated in the correct daily dose of exercise we would reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes by 50% and lower the risk of an early death by 30%....

by Rachel Perrier on 10 February 2015

Are you suffering from 'The Winter Blues?'

According to the NHS an estimated 2 million people in the UK are suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) at the moment.  Are you one of them?  Did you know that it can effect children and not just adults?Here are some ideas to help you and your children to 'Beat the Winter...

by Lisa O Sullivan on 5 February 2015

Sliding To Success

We completely underestimate the benefits of zooming down a slide simply because the experience passes so quickly and is it so much fun.  When you visit playgrounds with your children they are attracted to the lure of the slide and will often play on it in ways that you never imagined....

by Rachel Perrier on 20 January 2015

Five Resolutions For A Healthy New Year

January can feel like the most miserable month in the year as we are all suffering an anti climax after the Christmas celebrations and the days seem to be so cold and dark.  Feasting over the Christmas holidays and watching too much television has a negative impact on our waistlines and...

by Rachel Perrier on 9 January 2015

A Child's Climbing Frame is A Gift That Keeps On Giving

Children are living increasingly sedentary lives due to the increase in technology and an influx of cars on the road.  Where once children going out to play in the morning and not returning home until their tummy grumbled was the norm, now children spend more time indoors entertaining...

by Rachel Perrier on 6 January 2015

How To Get Crafty In The Winter Time

The beginning of winter is a pretty exciting time with the lead up to Christmas filling up our time with; parties, plays, carol concerts and the anticipation of a visit from Santa himself.  After all of the excitement, the rest of winter always seems to be so dark, cold and a long wait...

by Rachel Perrier on 17 December 2014

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